Are you interesting in running for the SBFSH TU?
Become part of the process of shaping our community! The SBFSH TU is an organization that was created by tenants, for tenants. We work tirelessly to provide resources, programming, infrastructure improvements, and other advocacy for you!
Candidacy submissions are due by May 17th. The election will be held, online, from May 20th to June 2nd.
There are 5 board positions open. President, Treasurer, Director of Communications, Storke Representative, and West Campus Representative. The qualifications for all of the positions are as follows:
Must live within FSH (either Storke or West Campus)
Must not make more than $200/month from UCSB Housing and Residential Services
Garden Coordinators are exempted
Current RAs who will not be an RA for the next calendar year may run but will not take office until their term has finished
Must have lived in FSH for at least 3 months prior to the election
Must be eligible to work in the United States
International students must have specific clearance to work in this position prior to running.
J-1 visa holders are ineligible to serve on the executive board.
F-1 visa holders are eligible to serve on the executive board if approved by UCSB OISS.
If elected, board members serve from July 1st - June 30th.
Please check out each position description below. If you decide to run for SB FSH TU Board, please file for candidacy through this candidacy form. Candidacy submissions are due by May 17th. The election will be held, online, from May 20th to June 2nd.
Summary of Position:
The TU President is the leader of the TU Board. They are the member of the TU who is responsible for managing the other members of the board (especially in meetings). The TU President has a legal, fiduciary responsibility to responsibly run the TU. In dealings or interactions with other people and organizations, the TU President serves as the representative and advocate for the TU.
Regular Duties:
Running the monthly TU board meeting (1hr/month + 1hr/month of preperatory work)
Attending a monthly meeting between the TU and FSH (30min - 1hr/month)
Maintain and respond to the TU President's email (30min/month)
Maintain the TU Bike Lock Program (30min/month at maximum)
Regularly check in with the CFO to ensure proper management of funds (30min - 1hr/month)
Regularly check the TU mailbox (1/week)
Average working hours per month: 5hrs/month (Approximately $70/hr)
Note that due to the specific duties of the office, this average working hours is just that -- an average. It can go up or down.
Specific Duties:
Shall schedule, write agendas for and preside over all General Membership and Board meetings. Shall be a member of and attend all Policy Review Board meetings.
Shall attend and keep minutes at scheduled meetings with Housing and Residential Services staff to discuss residents’ concerns. Shall provide the minutes of these meetings to the Communications Manager.
Shall represent the SB FSH Tenants’ Union in consultation with University and non-University organizations and individuals, and communicate the needs and interests of FSH residents to them.
Shall oversee the work of all other Board members.
Shall be a signatory on the checking account and be responsible for all expenditures.
Shall field communication from residents as necessary (and delegate questions/concerns to the appropriate officer(s)).
Shall cast the deciding board member vote in the case of a tie.
Shall write or delegate the writing of articles for the FSH newsletter, as needed.
Shall receive a stipend as stipulated in Bylaws Section 9.
The President shall receive a stipend of $350.00 per month.
The stipends for Officers is considered to be taxable income. Taxes will be deducted by the Treasurer.
Interested in running for President? File your candidacy form today!
Candidacy submissions are due by May 17th. The election will be held online from May 20th to June 2nd.
The Treasurer is one of the more important members of the TU Board. The Treasurer is responsible for all accounting of the TU. Payroll, Payroll Taxes, and Social Security is managed by an outside company. Member fee collection and reimbursement is handled by FSH and is not the responsibility of the Treasurer. The Treasurer is primarily responsible for approving and disbursing funds or reimbursements for programs and events in the FSH community. The Treasurer attends the monthly TU Board meeting, where they provide the TU Board with a financial report that details the income and expenses from the previous month. During tax season, the Treasurer, along with the President, if requested, is responsible for filing the income taxes for the TU.
Regular Responsibilities:
Attend the monthly TU board meeting (1hr/month)
Present a financial report to the TU board at monthly meetings (30min/month)
Approve and disburse funds or reimbursements for programs and events (30min/month)
Ensure that the main checking account has the necessary funds for monthly payroll (30min/month)
Check the TU mailbox (1/week)
Average working hours per month: 2-5hr/month (Approximately $50 - $150/hr)
This is an average of working hours per month. The Treasurer does have more work during Tax Season (Late March/Early April) and during the transitionary period between TU Boards, where outgoing board members must be removed from payroll and incoming board members must be added.
Specific Duties:
Shall attend all General Membership meetings and Board meetings.
Shall be a signatory on the checking account and be responsible for all expenditures.
Shall submit an annual budget with the assistance of the Board to the General Membership and provide this report to the Communications Manager to be published on the website.
Shall be responsible for payroll.
Shall be responsible for taxes.
Shall submit the TU budget at all General Membership meetings.
Shall issue prorated TU fee refunds upon request of residents who are moving before the end of the year in accordance with the fee prorating schedule, to be set and created by the Treasurer.* (now handled by FSH through agreement)
Shall maintain financial records necessary for audits and any other required financial documents.
Shall write articles for the FSH newsletter as assigned.
Shall receive a stipend as stipulated in Bylaws Section 9
The Treasurer shall receive a stipend of $250.00 per month.
The stipends for Officers is considered to be taxable income. Taxes will be deducted by the Treasurer.
Interested in running for Treasurer? File your candidacy form today!
Candidacy submissions are due by May 17th. The election will be held, online, from May 20th to June 2nd.
Director of Communications
Summary of Position:
The Director of Communications serves as the keeper of records and knowledge for the TU. The primary duty of the Director of Communications is to attend the monthly TU Board meeting and to take the minutes for that meeting. The other main responsibility of the Director of Communications is to maintain and update the TU Website, which is made with the Google Sites system. This requires no coding knowledge or experience. The system uses a graphical user interface with drag and drop functionality and a text editor that is quite similar to the one in Google Docs. Primarily, updating the website means adding to the list of programming, events, and infrastructure improvements that the TU Board has funded. In cases where the TU Board needs to directly communicate with the general membership, such as during the election period, the Director of Communications works together with the President to draft and send letters, flyers, or other forms of communication.
Regular Duties:
Attend and take minutes at the monthly TU board meeting (1hr/month)
Maintain and update the TU website (made with the Google Sites system) for new programming, events, and updates that the board wishes for TU members to see (30min/month)
Assist the President with drafting and sending of letters, flyers, or other communications out to residents (1hr/month)
Average working hours per month: 2.5hrs/month (Approximately $100/hr)
Specific Duties:
Shall attend all General Membership meetings and Board meetings and record meeting minutes. A copy of these minutes will be available to all, via website, no later than two weeks from the date the meeting occurred.
Shall attend all Policy Review Board meetings and record meeting minutes and distribute to attendees within two weeks of the meeting date.
Shall keep and provide a contact list for all officers.
Shall write articles for the monthly newsletter as assigned.
Shall create and distribute all advertisements and other materials, as assigned
Shall maintain the SB FSH TU Website (currently, a Google Site -- no coding experience necessary).
Shall act as the “gatekeeper” for all electronic and social media accounts. Shall release content from the Board to the public via the website and other social media.
Shall publish all minutes and important business on the website.
Shall maintain the TU email list, in coordination with the President
Shall write articles for the FSH newsletter as assigned.
Shall receive a stipend as stipulated in Bylaws Section 9
The Director of Communications shall receive a stipend of $250.00 per month.
The stipends for Officers is considered to be taxable income. Taxes will be deducted by the Treasurer.
Interested in running for Director of Communications? File your candidacy form today!
Candidacy submissions are due by May 17th. The election will be held, online, from May 20th to June 2nd.
Storke & West Campus Representatives
The Storke and West Campus representatives are the two special interest members of the TU Board, as they both represent their respective campuses on the TU Board. Due to the difference in size of the campuses, the Storke representative does have the responsibility to step in should the President be unavailable (this hasn't happened in the last 3 years). Outside of this role, the Storke and West Campus representatives work to assist the President and Treasurer with the various responsibilities of running the TU, usually no more than 1 hour per month.
Regular Responsibilities:
Attend the monthly TU board meeting (1hr/month)
Vote on discretionary spending at TU Board Meetings
Address issues that arise in the community as assigned by the TU President (1/hr month)
Average working hours per month: 2hr/month (Approximately $75/hr)
Specific Duties:
Shall attend all General Membership meetings, Board meetings, and Policy Review Board meetings.
Shall attend and keep minutes at scheduled meetings with Housing and Residential Services staff to discuss residents’ concerns. Shall provide the minutes of these meetings to the Communications Manager.
Shall fill in for the President at meetings when they are unable to attend.
Shall write articles for the FSH newsletter as assigned.
Shall research policies and issues and assist the President in coordinating issues assigned to each complex representative.
Shall coordinate the distribution of fliers.
Shall receive a stipend as stipulated in Bylaws Section 9
The Storke Representative shall receive a stipend of $150.00 per month.
The West Campus Representative shall receive a stipend of $150.00 per month.
The stipends for Officers is considered to be taxable income. Taxes will be deducted by the Treasurer.
Interested in running for Storke or West Campus Representative? File your candidacy form today!
Candidacy submissions are due by May 17th. The election will be held, online, from May 20th to June 2nd.